Knights of Silvermoon is a two player duel game. In this game each player controls the economy as well as the units on the battle field of a fraction.

In general the game play is divided into two parts, the town phase and the battle phase. These two phases are played over a turn of two pre-rounds and a best of 5 finally beginning with a town phase.

The town phase takes place on your player board. In this phase you canĀ  build or upgrade buildings, recruit troops and prepare their self for the upcoming battle.

The battle phase takes place on a map building a five to five grid. In this phase the players fight against each other using their heroes, their troops and special abilities. Both players gain a reward for taking part, but the winner takes the bigger piece of cake.

The core mechanic of this game is a card flipping mechanism, which allows you to upgrade your buildings, troops or hero and as well marks the health of your units.

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